波黑塞族共和国代表团于进博会期间访问中国并开展系列经贸交流活动 -澳门凯发
2023年11月7日至10日,波黑塞族共和国副总理艾伦·塞拉尼奇受波黑塞族共和国总统多迪克委托率领代表团赴中国参加第六届中国国际进出口博览会,并开展系列经贸交流活动。代表团成员包括塞族共和国欧洲一体化和国际合作部部长兹拉坦·克洛基奇、塞族共和国贸易和旅游部部长丹尼斯·苏利奇 ,家庭、青年和体育部部长塞尔玛·卡布里奇,以及塞族共和国主要城市市长、国有企业负责人、塞族共和国商会会长及企业家代表等。
from november 7th to 10th , 2023, alen seranic, deputy prime minister of republika srpska, led a government delegation and an enterprise delegation to china to participate in the 6th china international import and export expo(ciie) and carried out a series of economic and trade exchange activities. the delegation includes zlatan klokic , minister of european integration and international cooperation of republika srpska, denis sulic, minister of trade and tourism of republika srpska, selma cabric, minister of family, youth and sports, mayors of major cities in republika srpska, heads of state-owned enterprises, and president of the chamber of commerce of republika and representatives of entrepreneurs, etc.
sinisa berjan, ambassador of bosnia and herzegovina to china, was invited to participate in the delegation's activities during their stay in china. the belt and road economic and trade committee of the china-europe association is the organizer of the event, and chen hui, the director of the committee, accompanied the delegation throughout their visit in china.
on november 7th , 2023, the delegation of republika srpska attended the "china-europe cooperation and development forum". denis sulic, minister of trade and tourism of republika srpska, made an industry promotion at the forum, introducing the economic and industrial development of republika srpska, the advantages of foreign investment and policy support for foreign investment and companies to republika srpska. the forum dialogue session was hosted by dragan cigoja, the commercial representative of the president of republika srpska, with the theme of "how to promote two-way investment and financial cooperation between china and republika srpska". bojana vasiljevic poljasevic, assistant minister of finance of republika srpska, denis sulic, minister of trade and tourism of republika srpska, li gang, chairman of kaiyuan securities, zhang tingting, rating director of ccxi international business department, and li hong, chairman of china overseas engineering group co., ltd., were guests in this session. in-depth discussions were held on the financing of infrastructure projects of republika srpska in china, the issuance of panda bonds, and the investment and operation of chinese enterprises in republika srpska. at the forum, the government of republika srpska of bosnia and herzegovina signed a memorandum of cooperation on infrastructure projects with a number of chinese central enterprises.
on november 8th , 2023, the main members of the government delegation of republika srpska held talks with a number of chinese central enterprises to discuss project cooperation and investment. in the afternoon, the delegation of republika srpska and the delegation of haining, zhejiang province jointly held a contact meeting to exchange views on seeking cooperation and build a platform for accurate docking between chinese enterprises and enterprises from republika srpska.
2023年11月9日,塞族共和国政府代表团赴浦东新区参观保税区全球汇、派能科技公司及张江人工智能岛。上海市浦东新区常务副区长杨朝接待了代表团一行,对代表团来访表示热烈欢迎,并希望双方开展广泛合作,实现更多的经贸往来,此外就支持塞族共和国在保税区全球汇设立塞族共和国展馆事宜达成初步意向。塞拉尼奇副总理表示,这对塞族共和国企业来说,是向中国市场推销塞族共和国产品的绝佳机会。在派能科技参观交流期间,塞族共和国代表团对派能科技的储能产品和澳门凯发的解决方案建立了浓厚兴趣,对派能科技在建设可持续绿色能源网络方面做出的贡献表现出了高度的赞赏。本次参观交流活动增进了彼此的了解,奠定了未来合作的基础。在张江人工智能岛,张江集团向代表团展示了语音识别、机器视觉、深度学习等人工智能新技术及“5g ai”人工智能岛示范园区管理与服务。波黑塞族共和国政府与企业代表团希望借进博会平台,深度融入共建“一带一路”,积极参与“丝路电商”国际交流,与上海浦东开展合作,实现共赢发展。
on november 9th, 2023, the government delegation of republika srpska visited global exchange, pylon technologies co., ltd. and zhangjiang artificial intelligence island in pudong new area. yang chao, executive deputy district chief of pudong new area of shanghai, received the delegation and extended a warm welcome to the delegation's visit, and hoped that the two sides could carry out extensive cooperation and achieve more economic and trade exchanges. in addition, he reached a preliminary intention to support the establishment of republika srpska exhibition hall in global exchange in the bonded area. deputy prime minister seranic said that this is an excellent opportunity for republika srpska's enterprises to promote their products to the chinese market. during the visit of pylontech, the delegation showed a strong interest in pylontech's energy storage products and solutions, and showed high appreciation of pylontech's contribution to building a sustainable green energy networks. this visit and exchange activity had enhanced mutual understanding and laid the foundation for future cooperation. in zhangjiang artificial intelligence island, zhangjiang group showed the delegation new artificial intelligence technologies such as voice recognition, machine vision and deep learning, and "5g ai" artificial intelligence island demonstration park management and services. the delegation hopes to take advantage of the expo platform to deeply integrate into the joint construction of the "belt and road", to actively participate in the international exchanges of "silk road e-commerce", and carry out cooperation with shanghai pudong district to achieve win-win development.
on november 10th, 2023, the delegation visited alibaba group, zhejiang dahua technology co., ltd. and suzhou golden concordholdings co., ltd.(gcl) respectively in hangzhou, conducted learning and exchanging on topics such as developing e-commerce, building smart cities, and developing green energy in republika srpska.
alen seranic, deputy prime minister of republika srpska, said that srpska are open to economic cooperation with china and welcome all potential partners and investors. he deeply admired china's economic achievements and was willing to learn from china's experience, hoping to forge a similar path for republika srpska. republika srpska has set the development of infrastructure, improvement of education and strengthening of economy as its main goals, at the same time, deepening economic and cultural ties with china. he believes that with the support and cooperation of chinese partners, republika srpska will make significant progress in these areas.
zlatan klokic , minister of european integration and international cooperation of republika srpska, said that republika srpska believes that china is the engine of the global economy and closer cooperation with china will become one of the powerful driving forces for the socio-economic development of republika srpska. to this end, president milorad dodik and the government have proposed to open a representative office of republika srpska in shanghai to strengthen economic and cultural ties with china.
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